Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Accepting limitations

Definitely need the Sandman to break some traffic laws to get here, after this last loooong stretch of traveling, family heartbreak, and increasing seizure activity. Seizure activity breaking through my new higher dosage of meds really drives home the fact that I need to pay attention to how much my environment and company impact my endurance for the day, which in turn effects the rest of my week. #tbiaffectedme and still does daily. Due to my TBI any emotion I feel good or bad worsen my #chronicpain and #brainfuzz so does any kind of game or physical activity. Seriously. Tomorrow we are going to a conference for motivational speakers, which is great for @jpeuker and I. We both have separate plans in motion to educate, motivate, help, support and inspire as many as possessible. So being this tuckered I'm shutting everything down early. Goodnight my loves, I wish you all an amazing night and sweet dreams. #longdaysmakemybrainfuzzy #avmstrokesurvivor #strengthcomesinallforms #strokeembassador #lifeafterstroke #blessed #greatful #loveafterstroke #givingupisnotanoption #brainfeelslikemush #bettruetoyourself #bekindtoyourself #iamawarrior #beingkindisfree #beingthechangeIwanttosee

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